====== UFFICIO ZERO LINUX codename Portofino ======
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This page is related to our version based on Devuan, that uses apt with deb packages and synaptic.
===== How to solve problem with our repository =====
On June 2nd We updated the signature on our repositories therefore the keyring package update was released before June 28th automatically on the PCs that have performed the updates. However, it can happen that after June 28, if users have not performed system updates, the same can report signature problems on our repository. In this case, to remedy the problem, you can download and install the keyring package from this link: https://ufficiozero.mirror.garr.it/uzl-deb/portofino/pool/main/u/ufficiozero-keyring/ufficiozero-keyring_2022.06%2Bnmu2_all.deb to solve this problem.
On January 2, 2023 We recreated all our repositories on a new server so if your system gives you an error about the InRelease file or the new key of the new repositories during the updates, don't panic!
Here are 3 short alternative procedures to use:
**Option 1:**
download the new package from [[https://uzl-deb.ufficiozero.org/repository/portofino/pool/main/u/ufficiozero-keyring/ufficiozero-keyring_2023.01_i386.deb]] and then with right mouse click select to open it with Gdebi.
Insert your root password and open the main menĂ¹ and lauch UZLkeyring from Other menĂ¹ and enter your root password and update synaptic or via the Update Manager click on Check for Updates.
Here below some screenshots for Urbino release:
{{ :schermata_a_2023-01-08_18-21-22.png?600 |}}
{{ :schermata_a_2023-01-08_18-54-30.png?600 |}}
**Option 2:**
Open your terminal and copy and paste this command:
curl -sS https://uzl-deb.ufficiozero.org/repository/ufficiozero-key.gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ufficiozero-keyring.gpg
then open the Update Manager and Check for Updates.
**Option 3:**
Open your terminal with root privileges with this command:
sudo su
then insert your root password and copy and paste this command:
wget -O - https://uzl-deb.ufficiozero.org/repository/ufficiozero-key.gpg | apt-key add -
===== HPLIP-GUI Install Problem =====
Considering that the Urbino and 10 releases will end support in about seventy days, we are providing an upgrade of the 10 release and consequently we have also updated the printer repository with an updated version of hpli-gui so (not based on bullseye but on bookworm) if your system does not allow you to install the package it will be possible to force it via Synaptic.
We apologize for the inconvenience but we intend to extend the support for the 10 release and, as soon as it is ready, we will release the upgrade tool for the 10Plus version that we are developing and testing, so that you will be able to enjoy system updates until 2027 for the 10 release.
You can see the screenshots below:
{{ :schermata_a_2024-06-02_18-40-08.png |}}
{{ :schermata_a_2024-06-02_18-41-06.png |}}
{{ :schermata_a_2024-06-02_18-42-40.png |}}
**We have restored the old versions of some packages, so the problem is solved**